Xiaomi Mi 3

Note:- Please wipe all data in Recovery mode if you want to update to a discontinuous ROM version, or downgrade to an older ROM version using MIUI full ROM pack.
Step 1: Download the latest MIUI ROM file Download here Download Version: V7.5.1.0.MXDMIDE (MIUI7) Or Download Version: 6.7.21 (MIUI8)There is no need to do it again if you’ve already downloaded the latest ROM file.
Step 2: Connect your device to the Windows PC/laptop via a micro USB cable, and copy the ROM file downloaded in Step 1 into the folder ‘downloaded_rom’ in the internal storage of your device.
Step 3: Launch ‘Updater' app on your device:
MIUI 6:Click the ‘…’ icon at the top-right corner, select ‘Choose update package’, and choose the ROM file you’ve put in ‘downloaded_rom’ in Step 2.
MIUI V5:Press the Menu button, select ‘Choose update package’, and choose the ROM file you’ve put in ‘downloaded_rom’ in Step 2.
Sample is Available in Screenshot
Step 4: After choosing the right ROM file, your device will begin upgrading. Your device should automatically boot to the new version when the update is completed.
Xiaomi Mi 3
Reviewed by Ask Masail E Shariyah

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