New SwiftKey update fills in the blanks: Missing layouts and Incognito Mode

SwiftKey, one of the most popular third-party keyboards, has today released a new update which brings in new layouts and incognito besides regular bug fixes. The new layout will finally help the company grab those customers who were staying away due to lack of some select layouts. In other words, the new update brings the 'QWERTZ' Swiss French layout and QWERTZ Swiss German and Swiss Italian keyboard variants. The update is already available on Android to download and updates the app to version

Further, as mentioned before, the new update brings in a new feature called Incognito Mode which will not record anything you are typing while you are in that mode. For example, if you are talking to someone and want to keep your conversation as confidential as possible, with the new Incognito Mode SiwftKey will not read or remember anything. This can also come in handy when you don't want your keyboard to suggest a search which you had entered before.

The update also brings in few bug fixes like fix for the app crash that used to happen while dragging the cursor simultaneously with typing in Chinese. Also, now the themes can be downloaded with just a tap.

New SwiftKey update fills in the blanks: Missing layouts and Incognito Mode New SwiftKey update fills in the blanks: Missing layouts and Incognito Mode Reviewed by Unknown on 07:16:00 Rating: 5

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